Mail Order Specialty Pharmacy

Specialty Pharmacy

The Circulus Health Solutions Specialty Pharmacy increases access and adherence with patient management services and specialty medications that cover the full spectrum of your patients’ disease states. Services are provided through a partnership with Infinity Care Solutions (ICS), an ACHC and URAC mail order specialty pharmacy that is in the top 100 accredited pharmacies in the nation, and licensed in all 50 states as well as Washington D.C.

Expertise You Can Trust

Most pharmacies do not have the expertise or manpower to effectively manage patients, especially those with complex disease states. Our cutting edge technology and highly trained staff help community health organizations better manage patients in all disease states via medication management (including specialty medication), prior authorizations, timely refill management, and distribution. Our professional team will ensure your patients always have the information and medication they need.

Increase Access

As part of our shared mission to take care of all patients, we work with FQHCs to ensure that no uninsured and underinsured patient goes without the care they need. Our team of experts serve both healthcare providers and patients by managing:

  • Prior authorizations
  • Communications with doctors
  • Financial assistance
  • Insurance requirements

As a mail-order pharmacy, we can ensure that your patients are never without their medications, regardless of their ability to access a local pharmacy. We also work with our client organizations to create programs, cash cards, and third-party administrator relationships that aid every patient, regardless of their ability to pay, and always ensure that patients get their medicine in a fast and cost-effective manner.

Improve Adherence

The Circulus Health Solutions pharmacy services make it easy for patients to correctly follow their medication regimen with adherence packaging and home delivery. Medications are all checked by a pharmacist for drug-to-drug interactions and pre-divided into correct dosages with time- and date-stamps to encourage adherence. In addition, our team performs follow-up to: — Ensure that patients understand medication instructions — Answer any questions they may have — Provide education on the importance of taking their medications as prescribed Studies have shown that home delivery of medications increases adherence, especially in patients with chronic conditions. Our pharmacy services ship medication directly to the patient’s home, and we even o‑er a SmartShip option that automatically ships patients’ medications monthly and on time to increase adherence and compliance, upon patient request.

Maximize 340B Revenue

Many FQHCs do not take full advantage of the 340B program and may be losing up to 70% of prescriptions to non-network pharmacies, representing a significant revenue opportunity loss. In addition, patients who fill their prescriptions at non-network pharmacies may unnecessarily be paying more for their prescriptions. We simplify the 340B process for your organization, acting as a contract pharmacy focused on retaining revenue inside your system. As our team manages patients, they will work to bring “lost” prescriptions back into the network from large chain specialty pharmacies. We also recognize the importance of the small, hometown pharmacies with which many FQHCs partner, and make it our goal to work with and strengthen those important partnerships.

The Circulus Health Solutions Specialty Pharmacy improves access and adherence for your patients, provides peace of mind for your providers, and maximizes 340B revenue for your organization.

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